Thursday, August 1, 2013

magic sim is back MTN oldies

1.. CORRECTION!!!! IT WAS ACTUALLY A CHINA HACKER NOT INDIAN OKAY...BUT WAT MATTERS NW IZ DAT HERE IZ A SURE WAY OV RESTORIN OR ACTIVATIN UR MAGIC SIM Few days back the Mtn Magic Sim which everybody really enjoying has been blocked and it stopped browsing, some people have been unable to browse for the past few days. But the truth still remains, you can still re-activate your Magic Sim back. I have earlier made a post that the Mtn Magic Sim has murdered, due to the series of complaints and the rumors I heard that Mtn has employed new China Hacker to track down all Mtn free browsing Sim in Nigeria but their mission was not accomplished, they just succeeded holding it for just 2 days. Am happy to tell you that Mtn Magic Sim is back alive! If your own has blocked you can now reactivate it and continue enjoying your unlimited free browsing. Today am going to share you three different sure method to reactivate your Magic Sim, just make sure that when doing that, you do not have 10Mb at your disposal. You can always transfer money from another Mtn line to avoid the 10mb stuff. Below are still the normal procedure because I activated 2 Sims for my people yesterday. Note: If you used your Magic Sim for the Mtn free calls I posted last term, am sorry to tell you that you have to get another line to do your Magic Sim afresh, because it will not work on it. Mtn intentionally released that free calls to divert our attention to Super Saver Plan and track down all our free browsing, but don't blame me for that because i stated in the post that you should not use your Mtn Free Browsing Magic Sim for it. Now Straight To The Main concern Of The Topic. Method 1: To Reactivate Magic Sim: Remove Mtn Magic Sim that is no more working from the Phone and keep it for 12 hours Put it back after 12 hours Send RESET to 131 [make sure you don't have up to #250 on your account before sending the code] If you receive a message that: Dear customer, your 2 hrs 1-Day Data plan is still active. Congrat! your line is reactivated, you can then continue enjoy your free browsing again. But if you receive a message that: Sorry, you do not have sufficient credit to perform this operation. You have to load money on your line and follow one of the below methods. Method 2: To Reactivate Or Activate New Magic Sim [1 Hour Old Method Still Working]: Load #400 recharge card on your line Send BBDay to 21600. Wait till you get the BB subscription message that it is active Send 2H to 131 to activate the 2 Hours plan Once the 2 Hours Plan is activated, and you confirm it Remove your SIM and keep it for 1Hour After the 1 hour, insert your SIM back to your device and start browsing. Mind you, once you send 2H to 131, you may not receive any notification that your 2 Hours plan is active but your money will be deducted. Just proceed with the next procedure. Method 3: To Reactivate Or Activate New Magic Sim [8 Hours Method] Load #250 recharge card on your line Send 2H to 131, after that send 106 t

1 comment:

  1. Thanks bro. hope its still working? thanks once more. you see there are 2 blogs that i've found so far to be very helpful and have something interesting for me whenever i visit, this one and
    Keep it up. I will be visiting again but don't forget to also come drop a comment on my blog even if it's just a "nice post" comment.
